Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Idea Sketches

I'm leaning towards of the idea of the falling pages. However the model I made is too rectilinear, too stiff. So I was exploring the look of paper when it flutters in the air, or when it falls. Here are a few sketches I've made based on that concept.

The sketch that I like the best is the top left corner. I think it fits in well with the triangular site that I've chosen for my building. My site is also on a slope, so I'm going to try to make it look like the paper is flowing upwards in the direction of the hill (or falling from the hill depending how you look at it).

I am going to work on a model to explore this more.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Reworked Models

Taking a few of the models I created initially, I reworked them in an attempt to expand on my concepts.

From the 'connection' models, I took the bridge/tunnel model. I've made it larger and I also made it penetrate the site.

Here from the 'feelings of the site' models, I took the crossroad sign model. I've made it larger, added more 'signs' that cantilevered over the site. I also added a third material, which was wood.

From the 'animation' models, I took the model that represented the random papers in the air. What I did this time was to make the random rectangular shapes go upwards into the air.

Study/Concept Models

Based off the collages, I created a few study/concept models.

Here are different views of the models I created from my 'Connection' collage. The left model is based after the holding of hands or the chain links, the way that they go into the other. The center one is based off the bridge and tunnel, going over and passing through. The one on the right is based off the puzzle pieces, how two shapes can fit into each other.

Here are different views of the models I created based of the 'Feelings of the Site' collage; which to me was was a 'crossroads' of the old and new. The one on the left is based of the yellow floral graphic I have on the right of the collage, I was going for the colors and the spirialing design. The center model is inspired off the crossroads sign, how the signs intersect each other and are pointing in varying directions. The last one is is based of the intersecting dirt paths.

Here are different views of the models I created for the 'animation' collage. The first model is an abstraction of the drawing table. The second model is based of the image of Daffy throwing the papers up in the air; where there are random rectangular shapes that are scattered. The last model is a representation of the animation process, where the round openings represents the frames that come after another in an animated short and the fins reprent the direction of the motion.

I am going to take a few of these models and rework them. Making them larger and such.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Furniture Dimensions

Here's a chart of the furnishings I plan to have in my program. Still not a 100% sure on the amount for certain rooms.

Site Analysis

Manhattan Site: Soho

Monday, October 15, 2012


Here are three collages I've created from which I'll draw my concept from. They're based of: the word 'connect', the feelings I get from the site of my choice (the manhattan site), and animation.
I interpret 'connection' as things that are brought together by some means. Things that are touching, that are linked, or that fit in together.

The site makes me think of a coming together of the old and new, a crossroad. One side of the site has low rise, historical buildings; while the other side has high-rise, modern buildings. The words that come to mind to describe it was 'vintage', 'trendy', 'artsy' and 'hipster'.

Animation in essence is a series of images creating apparent motion. It comes in many forms, such as traditional animation, digital animation, or claymation. Then there are things involved such as voice overs, set designs and expressions.