Monday, October 22, 2012

Reworked Models

Taking a few of the models I created initially, I reworked them in an attempt to expand on my concepts.

From the 'connection' models, I took the bridge/tunnel model. I've made it larger and I also made it penetrate the site.

Here from the 'feelings of the site' models, I took the crossroad sign model. I've made it larger, added more 'signs' that cantilevered over the site. I also added a third material, which was wood.

From the 'animation' models, I took the model that represented the random papers in the air. What I did this time was to make the random rectangular shapes go upwards into the air.

1 comment:

  1. These are well informed decisions. Have some "fun" now synthesizing these three ideas into one. Metaphorically, I can easily see the "papers" and the signs becoming one entity. Perhaps the "crossroads" piece can replace or supplant the green bridge and interject another layer of connection into your "bridge/tunnel" reference. Stay loose at this point and don't worry too much about programme or space planning. Always keep in mind with these study models the experiential quality of the spaces you are creating.
