Saturday, December 22, 2012

Thank You

As this semester ends, so does this design challenge. I really appreciate all the feedback I received. Thank you for all the thought and consideration you all had for my design, I feel like I've learned a few things; Things I'll definitely keep in mind  as I pursue my goals.

All in all, thank you very much!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Final Model

 Here is how my model looks.
Then added to the site model my group had created before.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sections and Elevations

Here is an improved section, reflecting the changes made in plan. Plus both long elevations.

Finished Plans

Once I built the model, I improved my floor plans.

The changes I've made was:
- extending the second atrium all the way to the top and giving it a curved pattern (both in plan and section)
- added an art studio and moved the double height studio up one floor
- extended the fourth and fifth floor further to add more floor space to the library and cafeteria. The space at the end of the library, however, has a low head clearance so it would most likely be reading nooks.
-The cafeteria has an exterior balcony overlooking Sixth Ave

Monday, December 17, 2012

Model Progression

I began making my model. It's at 1/32" = 1'0"

 Here I have cut each of the individual floor plates. There are a few walls put up as well. Here is what the model looks like without the exterior 'pages' put on.


The roof is going to be a challenge. I know the roof over the scissor stairs and elevators is going to be a flat roof. However the other roofs are most likely going to be curved. Afterwards I created the exterior pieces.

It was tricky creating the right shapes, however my building is starting to take its form.

Its easier to understand the building on the physical plane. Since the majority of my work was done in CAD, it was hard to see how the pages interconnected. From the model I hope to improve my section and create my elevations.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

More Details

The plans are more or less finalized.

In the basement, the balcony (insert on the left) is entered through the stairs in the auditorium. The projection room is up there as well. To the right is an emergency stair that exits to the area under the ceremonial stair. The counter under the stair is going to be the concession stand. Behind the auditorium there is extra storage space.

The bathrooms have been layed out. Here both sets are shown on the first floor.

The fourth floor has become the library. The rooms by the scissor stairs are private study rooms. The stacks are going to be mostly against the solid walls. The seating area is going to be around the windows.

The fifth floor is the main cafeteria. The small kitchen/service area is against the solid wall. The rest of the space is the seating area. It's going to have skylights.

The section has more or less been finalized as well. In the auditorium I have added a curved ceiling, to help bring in the 'falling/flowing pages' theme more into the interior of the building.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Initial Floor Plans and Section

I've been working on the floor plans. I've been working on paper mostly, but now I've translated it to CAD. However there are still things I need to figure out.

 On the ground floor, the top left corner is the main entrance. The main lobby is a tall atrium space that goes up through the entire building. There's a ceremonial stair that goes up that space. In front of the elevators is a second atrium space that goes from the second floor to the lobby of the auditorium, which is in the basement. The offices are in the back of the building. There is a second ceremonial stair that goes down to the auditorium, all of that space is open to below. I've added two more spaces to my program. A bookstore and a cafe. The rooms in the top right corner by the scissor stairs are the main bathrooms and a janitorial closet. By the second set of stairs there are two smaller bathrooms. From the cafe there is going to be a set of stairs/ramp that goes down since the building is on a sloped site.

On the second floor, the screening rooms and computer lab are against the solid wall. There are classrooms and art studios against the glass windows. The corner where the screening room and art studio meet will be a small lounge area.

On the third floor, I'm thinking of converting the two classrooms that are over the second atrium into my recording studio and sound booths. Since they don't really need to have natural light. There are more computer labs and art studios on this floor. Here are the faculty offices with small conference rooms against the glass walls. The art studio at the end of the building is actually the one from the 2nd floor. At this floor the slope of the roof is beginning to come into play.

On the fourth floor, I originally had the cafeteria and lounge. However I decided to switch the cafeteria with the library which was on the top floor beforehand. I probably will leave the lounge where it is. In this floor as well as the next it starts to get complicated with the varying slopes and heights of the pages. I'm still not sure where the space would be defined in terms of headroom.

The fifth floor will be for the cafeteria. I know there will be skylights. However as with the fourth floor, I'm not sure where the room should be defined. I might be able to work out an exterior space here but I'm still not sure.

In the basement is the auditorium. There is a triple height space above the ticketing counter. There is a double height space over the ceremonial stair. Storage and mechanical are in the spaces behind the elevators. The two long spaces on the right are the bathrooms. The auditorium has a balcony. The corridor near the bathrooms is going to be a set of stairs that leads to the balcony as well as the projection room. I'm thinking of creating a second set of emergency stairs on the left side in the triangular space created by the solid wall from the ceremonial stair. The area behind the auditorium might by used as additional storage space.

I've started working on a section, cut from the tip of the triangular site to the middle of the base of the site. The hardest thing is deciding on the slopes of the different roofs and how the spaces on the top connect.

I still have a lot of things to work out. The fourth and fifth floors being a major concern. As well as details such as bathroom layouts, stairs and door swings.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Paper and Clay models

As suggested, I created new study models out of paper and clay. However this time I tried to keep it to scale in regards of the site.

This was the first paper model I made. However I checked the height and it didn't fit within the 85' limit of this site. So I made a second model.

I really like this second model. I've also had more control over the proportions of the pages. I've cute the pages to have the same ratio of typical paper sizes, like 8.5 x 11 or 11x17.

I created this clay model based off the second paper model. I only did the massing of the main building and not the plaza space.

 I used a wire to cut it longitudinally, just to see how it would look in section.

This is a different approach for me. I usually design a building from the inside-out. Approaching from the outside-in is a different experience and I'm going to give it a shot.

Site Plan and Section Sketches

The site that I have chosen is a triangular site on a slope, where the base of the triangle is at the highest point and it slopes downwards towards the tip of the triangle. The effect I want to create of the building is the falling/flowing pages moving upwards in the direction of the incline.

The bulk of the building would be at the base of the triangle. I want the tip of the triangle to be an outdoor ampitheater type space. I would like the pages to flow over the space and come into the ground to form the screen for the outdoor space.

I'm still not sure how the interior of the building is going to work, whether the pages are an exterior shell or if it actually is the shape of the walls. I'm going to try to make it the shape of the building since it would be more interesting to experience these shapes on the interior as well.

One of the things I'm concerned about is getting light into the spaces. So I could probably stagger the pages upwards to bring in some light. Perhaps I could create more exterior spaces or incorporate the original bridge/tunnel idea from my previous experiments.

I know for sure that the auditorium would be on the ground floor. I'm not sure if I could excavate into the ground due to the proximity of the subway line. I would like it to be a large theater, perhaps with a balcony. I also know the elevator/stair core would have to be in the tallest part of the building, which is going to be at the base of the triangular site.

I'm going to create more study models to better understand the shape of my building.

Monday, November 5, 2012

More Sketches and Study Models

I took a few pieces of burlap and molded them to be like flowing paper. Afterwards I played around with them and tried to come up with a few different forms. Here are the results of said experiments:

Afterwards, I took a few views and created new sketches. For instance:

 Now what I need to do is figure out how these shapes could be translated into my program. I'm going to try to make some plans and sections.